Warrington Borough Council (WBC) is the Local Planning Authority for Stretton and has a duty to notify both the Parish Council and Ward Councillors of any planning applications relating to land in its area
The Parish Council considers the nature and suitability of each application and responds to WBC with comments where appropriate. Applications are normally discussed at the Parish Council monthly meetings which usually take place on the first Monday of the month. Occasionally, a separate Extraordinary Planning Meeting may be necessary to ensure The Parish Council responds within the allocated time period, usually 21 days
Planning applications that are received prior to publication of the meeting Agenda, are detailed on the relevant Agenda by their reference number, which is published on the 3 village noticeboards and this website. Any subsequent applications received after the Agenda's publication but prior to the meeting may also be included, if the information has been published on WBC's Planning Portal
While the Parish Council has input to applications affecting land in its area the ultimate decision-making is made by WBC
WBC also has a duty to publicise planning applications by notices displayed near the proposed site or by neighbour notification letters
Details of all planning applications can be found on WBC's website - link can be found HERE
There is a limited timescale for responding to applications, usually 21 days, so residents are advised to send their observations or objections to WBC as soon as they receive notification and
inform the Parish Council and/or the Ward Councillor of any comments / objections, if they wish the Parish Council to take into account their comments
This report has been published by Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) to guide individuals or groups on how to respond to a planning application
Other information and guidance can be found at: www.cpre.org.uk